More Features Versus Genuine Privacy. What Would Smart Business People Choose?

1 Oct 2019

More Features Versus Genuine Privacy. What Would Smart Business People Choose?

TL;DR: The only way to win is to start with security and only then improve usability as much as possible

To illustrate the point about the thirst for features in consumer-grade “private” messengers, let me quote one gentleman in his mildly colorful language:

Don’t get me wrong; features are cool. They are cool, but they are meant to play the role of decorations.

Decorations for a bullshit tree!

And a bullshit tree produces bullshit fruit no matter how you decorate it...

The only way to win here is to start with security and only then improve usability as much as possible.”

Think of a messenger as if it’s a Christmas tree. When the messenger’s foundation is shaky, it’s bound to collapse, and when that happens, ornaments and decorations don’t have much use all of a sudden.

We Offer Core Qualities, Not Bells and Whistle

We understand convenience is short-term most of the time, and “the fastest instant messaging” will lose to the most secure ten times out of ten.

Plus, if one of your not-so-secure messages is intercepted, data loss would turn out to be a deal-breaker between you and your associates, meaning you would lose your contact, rendering message delivery speed obsolete.

So the question stands… what would you choose to be on your side: meaningless features or fundamental security that gifts you not-dead-yet privacy?

If you tilt towards the second option and agree that privacy and security are basic human rights, then you should try StealthTalk today. Start your free 30-day trial here:

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